So 2015 was a big year for me - this was the year I was turning 30. I really couldn't believe it was approaching, in fact, I was kinda dreading it. I needed to do something big to celebrate, and since I am 7 months pregnant, a bar-hopping night on the town was totally out of the question.
How about California? We usually take a trip out there once a year to visit my sister in San Diego, so this was the perfect time to go. It will probably be awhile before we are able to head out there again, since baby #2 is due to arrive this June. And with this gloomy, cool Wisconsin spring we've been having, a warm vacation sounded perfect.
I was really hoping my parents and other sister could join us on our trip, but the timing didn't work out for my sister's family. Luckily, my parents were able to make it work. We booked our flights for the end of March and we were ready to go. Now - what to pack for a toddler?
We have flown with Vada before - once to San Diego when she was 4 months (she slept the whole time) and another time to Mexico when she was 9 months (she slept almost the whole time). This time, I knew we weren't going to get that lucky. Although, the flights left bright and early in the morning, I knew she was going to be a lot more curious about what was going on this time around. I went on a search for some new travel friendly toys to reveal to her when we were on the flight. Here's what I packed for the flight (including snacks):
I filled the sippy cup with milk before we took off and figured I could just buy more milk on our layover in Denver. I was wrong. Our layover was about 5 minutes and on my frantic search through the two tiny shops next to our gate, I was unable to find any milk. The airlines don't provide milk on the flight, so Vada was stuck drinking apple juice and water. Not the worst thing in the world, but this could have been the reason she didn't end up napping on either of our flights... On our return flight home, I was more prepared. I brought along toddler formula and mixed that up for her. Well, she didn't like it, so we were stuck once again. Luckily our layover this time was a little longer and we were able to buy some milk from Starbucks. Now I know for next time - pack more milk in a little cooler.
As for the toys we brought along, they really didn't amuse her for more than 5 minutes at a time. So as the last resort, we brought out the ipad and showed her some kid friendly apps that I had downloaded. I thought this would keep her occupied for hours. Again, I was wrong. She played with each of them a bit, but was more interested in the swiping motion than anything else, so that ended quickly. I don't really think that's a bad thing - she's not into TV at this age either, so we will definitely not force it. Her curious little mind was more interested in her surroundings; peaking over the seat to see who was behind her, waving to Grandma and Grandpa sitting next to her, playing with plastic cups and taking out the safety instructions and "reading" those to us. We got by just fine with what we had and without any sort of melt down. She was such a trooper!
Now as far as what type of clothing to pack for a toddler, I followed the same rules I use for myself. Pack pieces that can mix and match and keep it simple. We did have the advantage of staying with my sister and being able to borrow clothes from my niece and use the laundry if need be, but here is what we needed to get by for a week long trip.
We had such a wonderful time exploring San Diego this year. We made a point to check out new locations this time around. We hiked through the Torrey Pines State Park, visited the Birch Aquarium, listened to live music at Orfila Winery, spent a day at the beach and toured the Point Loma Lighthouse. It was so much fun getting to spend time with family while going on new adventures with our little lady. Turning 30 didn't end up so bad after all:)